Progress of Jalswarajya-II based to Disbursement Linked Indicators and Program Action Plan
DLI#1 Strengthened M&E system for the sector
Current Status:-
- M&E System is Go-live in all 34 districts.
- DLI#1 activity for 10 districts is completed.
DLI#2 Strengthened capacity of key sector institutions
Current Status:-
- Training programs are going on as per CB calendar for 2019-2020.
DLI#3 No. of household connections to a commissioned water supply system
Current Status:-
- Out of 63 schemes, 31 schmes are commissioned.
DLI#4 No. of households connected to a sustainable water supply system and receiving regular water service.
Current Status:-
- 41753 household connections are completed.
DLI#5 Number of Community safe and secure water schemes.
Current Status:-
Water Stressed and Water Quality schemes:-
- 148 Water Stressed and Water Quality schemes are commissioned.
PAP# 1 Cross Cutting Actions
Strengthened Complaint, Grievance redress systems and vigilance mechanisms within WSSD .
Current Status :-
- Sector specific grievance system is being developed under M&E System.
- Vigilance Cell is formed vide GR. Dated- 18th March 2017 will be headed by ACS/PS, WSSD and monitored by WSSO.
- Drop boxes are installed in peri urban GPs.
- Call center for grievance management system is being started.
PAP#2 Cross Cutting Actions
Implement Annual Capacity Building Plans for Staff.
Current Status:-
- As per Annual Capacity Building Plan for 2018-2019 implementation is in process.
PAP #3 Technical & Institutional Actions
Strengthen RWSS planning processes in Year 1 and review their effectiveness in Year 3 and Year 5.
Current Status :-
- An expert team from MIT, Boston, with RSPMU & District team has developed a framework for improved district planning. The Planning process is being piloted in 2 districts viz Pune & Auranagabad.
- Capacity Building Workshops were conducted and required data has been collected.
PAP# 4 Technical & Institutional Actions
Establish and institutionalize a technical and administrative back-up support mechanism for GPs/VWSCs.
Current Status -----
- Formulation of O&M policy for WSSD is under process.
PAP# 5 Technical & Institutional Actions
As part of the state’s M&E system, establish a system to monitor the “schedule performance” (extent of completion within time schedules) of completed rural water supply schemes.
Current Status :-
- To monitor the “schedule performance” modules developed under M& E system.
PAP #6 Technical & Institutional Actions
Strengthen systems to better manage sanitation program in the state, particularly on maintaining Open Defecation Free status.
Current Status :-
- Nearly 9396443 i.e. 84% of total IHHLs have been constructed till date.
PAP# 7 Policy Actions
Prepare and Adopt HR and O&M Policy.
Current Status :-
- GoM is having overall HR policy for contractual and regular staff.
PAP #8 Fiduciary Actions
Compile state's rules and procedures on Procurement and make a Procurement Manual
Current Status :-
- The procurement manual for goods, works and consultancy services will be issued soon.
PAP #9 Fiduciary Actions
Conduct annual Procurement Post review for the sector @15% of contracts
Current Status :-
- ToR for apointment of consultnat for post procurement review is in process.
PAP #10 Fiduciary Actions
Establish double entry accounting system in MJP, and develop a Financial Management Manual for MJP
Current Status:-
- Development of Financial Management Manual for MJP is complpeted.
PAP #11 Fiduciary Actions
Establish a system to report information on expenditure at GPs/ VWSCs; carry out district-level and GP-level audits as per a specific ToR
Current Status ----
- WSSD has issued the amended G.R on 19th June 2017 to carry out district-level and GP level audits as per specific ToR.
PAP #12 Environmental and Social Actions
Implement strengthened environmental and social rules and procedures for the Program
Current Status:-
- WSSD had mobilized environment related staff at State and District level across all institutions.
- Mobilization & IEC activities are in process during implementation where the physical works started.
- Revise Community Operational Manual to reflect the modification of implementation arrangements is Completed.
- Social Management Action plan is prepared of each component of GPs.
- Social processes such as Mobilization, Information Education & Communication, and Capacity Building activities are in progress in selected GPs.
- All DPR’s of JS-II schemes are verified as per Environmental checklist.
- Committee members timely visits for ensuring progress of Physical work of schemes.
- Preparation of DPR for Sullage Management is in progress.